Dowd's Farm Park

Dowd's Farm Park comprises 16 acres of open space including:

Parkland, Meadow, Lake,  Footpaths, Play Facilities, Picnic Area with Seating, Woodland & Wildlife Areas.

There is no fishing at Dowd's Farm.


Dowd's Farm was owned by Miss White until her death in 2000 when the farmhouse (grade 2 listed building) and its land were bequeathed to the Salvation Army.  The farmland, already surrounded by urban development, was identified as a site suitable for housing and community facilities development. After a public consultation a design brief was adopted by Eastleigh Borough Council in December 2002.

An outline planning consent was permitted in 2004 for housing on the condition that a new primary school, a large park and provision for a community building were included in the development.

The Salvation Army has developed a community building.

Wellstead Primary School was opened in April 2008 and is now a thriving and central part of the local community.

Dowd's Farm Park Local Resident Heron
Local resident Heron

Public Art

In January 2009 Adrian Moakes, a professional artist, worked closely with the Dowd's Farm Park community to create a number of public art installations for Dowd's Farm Park.

Following a number of consultation meetings, exhibitions and workshops together with a comprehensive photographic study and local history research some fantastic designs were chosen to enhance the park.

Sculpture Trail

Inspired by the ideas of the children from Wellstead School, 5 pieces of public art were created and installed along the sculpture trail in Spring 2010.

With the kind help and assistance of a selection of staff from the local 'Best Buy' electronic store the sculptures Barleycorn, Carp Shoal, Axehead, Vessel and Hedges and Houses were installed.

Youth Shelter

The final stage of the public art scheme is a youth shelter, designed by artist Ira Lightman with the teenagers from The Community Hub youth group in Hedge End. Ira spent time getting to know the young people of the area and asked them to rate existing youth shelters, looking at the latest designs and designing one that best suited their needs. The shelter was completed in 2011.

Dowd's Farm Park Youth Shelters

Basketball Half Court

Basketball half court located a short walk from the play park at Dowd's farm.

Dowd's Farm Park Basketball Hoop